Value to Companies
Prompt :
- Accelerates the funding process for pre-competitive R&D projects involving at least two businesses and two universities or private research centres. Prompt stimulates the development of joint projects that are required to be completed within three years of funding so as to ensure their synergy with the industry, as well as their relevance.
- Typically allows for grant financing of up to 80% of the total value of a partnered research project
- Brokers new relationships amongst researchers, developers and leaders in academia, industry, government and the investment community, helping to create dynamic teams, expand business networks, and stimulate new opportunities.
- Creates a virtual technology showcase for innovators in Quebec, and serves as a key information source and voice for the ICT industry.
Value to Researchers
Prompt :
- Offers access to industry partners and a new source of research funding
- Provides a ‘one-stop shop’ for a broad range of research-oriented products and services, as well as industry-university relations
- Helps to simulate new forms of industry-university research collaboration
- Suggests the involvement of research centers outside academia for maximum impact
Value to Government Investors
Prompt :
- Maximizes return on investments for government in ICT research
- Supports training of highly qualified personnel in accordance with the needs of the ICT industry
- Encourages attraction and retention of businesses in a highly globalised industry
- Promotes partnerships with international academic institutions in order to create projects with greater critical mass and help establish commercial relationships