Fostering Innovation Together

The Goal

This strategic initiative brings together small and medium-sized firms, large enterprises and researchers around key structural projects to create a thriving innovation ecosystem in cybersecurity.

Our Partners

Working with our program partners In-Sec-M, CyberEco and Galilei, this Prompt-managed program will provide the funding, the opportunities, and the strategy to shape and deliver the next generation of cybersecurity innovation in Quebec.

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High-Growth, High-Stakes Opportunity

Across the globe, we’re facing both huge economic opportunities as well as unprecedented new challenges in the cybersecurity sector.

Quebec has the stakeholders, technological expertise, and business acumen to create and propel deep innovation for cybersecurity decision-makers across Quebec, Canada, and the world.

This program, which represents $68 million in investment from our partners and the Quebec government, is a catalyst for economic and technological development in this high-growth, high-stakes sector.


The original members of this program are:

We anticipate adding other partners as the program progresses.

Overview of the program

The Program is designed to foster innovation, as well as to forge partnerships and new supply chain relationships. Over the next three years, we expect that participants will deliver:

  • 50 cybersecurity innovation projects
  • $8 million in R&D spending
  • 60 new products, services, processes, solutions, etc.
  • 35 research-industrial partnerships
  • 400 jobs

How Funding Works

Up to 25% of the budget of your innovation projects may be funded through this program. You may add matching government funding for a total of 50% in public funding.

Program Guide

The Program Guide is now available for consultation.

Calls for projects

The next call for projects will be open between July 30 and September 17, 2019.

The Program Guide and Application Form are now available for consultation.

Check for the latest version

We update program documentation from time to time. Please be sure you have the most recent version of the Application Form and the Program Guide before you start working on your application for funding.

Application Form: v2.8 ENGLISH (July 2019)

Program Guide: v02.1 ENGLISH (July 30, 2019)

Innovating in cybersecurity?
Apply for funding!

Stay tuned

Fill out this form to be added to our mailing list for the next call for projects. Once we open the process, we will send out the Application Form and Program Guide. The Program Guide contains a list of documents you will need to submit along with the Application Form.

Contact Us

For business development and partnerships:
Sovita Chander
Director, Special Programs

For program-related inquiries:
Amélie Dansereau
Director, Program Management